
WACAS 2014

WACAS 2014: Program

March 2, 2014

7:45am–9:00: Breakfast (provided)

9:00–9:15: Introduction

9:15–10:00: Full Papers

Session 1: Programming Paradigms (Chair: Luis Ceze)

10:00–10:30: Morning break (refreshments provided)

10:30–12:00: Full Papers

Session 2: Programming and Frameworks (Chair: Ben Ransford)

Session 3: Hardware Approximation Mechanisms (Chair: Venkatesh Akella)

12:00pm–1:30: Lunch (Provided!)

1:30–3:00: Full Papers, Position Papers and Short Papers

Session 4: Hardware Design (Chair: Natalie Enright Jerger)

Session 5: Short Position Papers (Chair: Hadi Esmaeilzadeh)

Session 6: Short Notes (Chair: Karin Strauss)

3:00–3:30: Afternoon break (refreshments provided)

3:30–5:00: Panel on Open Questions/Challenges in Approximate Computing

Contact the organizers with questions.